Skylights and Sloped Glazing are Not Walking Surfaces (FB10-06) - Downloadable Out of Stock
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Addressess safety concerns with stepping on skylights and sloped glazing surfaces
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The use of skylights and sloped glazing systems continues to grow in popularity as architects and building owners use these fenestration systems to bring natural daylight further into homes, schools, medical facilities, commercial offices and retail stores. In order to ensure human safety and long-term performance of skylights and sloped glazing systems, construction workers, maintenance professionals and others must be aware that the systems typically are not designed or intended to be used as walking surfaces. This document discusses safety concerns with walking on these types of surfaces.
The Technical Services Division of the National Glass Association (NGA) has produced this Glass Technical Paper solely for informational purposes. This Paper was developed by dedicated member volunteers and subject matter experts. This document was approved and published in 2006. This edition of the paper was republished in March 2023. All purchases will be electronically accessed or delivered.
Tags Heat-Treated/TemperingHeat-Treated/Tempering; DecorativeDecorative; Contract GlazingContract Glazing; Employee SafetyEmployee Safety; CleaningCleaning; DaylightingDaylighting; InstallingInstalling
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