Performance Criteria for Glazing Subjected to Seismic Events (FB25-09) - Downloadable Out of Stock
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Use of glass and glazing as non-structural components installed in buildings in seismic-prone areas.
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Shaking and twisting buildings, uplifting of the earth, people screaming, running and trying to avoid falling debris. This can be a typical scene during a damaging earthquake. Significant research has been done on the causes of earthquakes; less work has been done on how to keep buildings intact and functioning during these events. Engineers and architects must follow code requirements for the structural performance of buildings in seismic zones. This glass technical paper focuses on the use of glass and glazing as non-structural components installed in buildings in seismic-prone areas.
The Technical Services Division of the National Glass Association (NGA) has produced this Glass Technical Paper solely for informational purposes. This Paper was developed by dedicated member volunteers and subject matter experts. The original version of this document was published in 2009. This version of the document was updated and published in January 2024.
Tags InsulatingInsulating; LaminatingLaminating; FabricationFabrication; Protective GlazingProtective Glazing; Building CodesBuilding Codes
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