Glass and Metals (Complete Series): A Guide for Architects and Specifiers - Downloadable

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A series of six guides designed to help architects navigate the world of glass.

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With newly updated sections, this comprehensive guide combines all of the information in Glass Magazine’s “All About Glass and Metals” six-part series into one, easy-to-read report. Designed to help architects and specifiers navigate the world of glass and metal, the guide answers frequently asked questions about building structure, glazing specifications, interior glass, protective glazing, building orientation, and complex façades with specifics that include:
  1. Glass and wall system definitions
  2. Current standards and specifications
  3. Tips by glazing specification section: performance, products and installation General tips regarding specification of interior glass and protective glazing
  4. Real-world examples of building orientation, interior glass and protective glazing applications
  5. Process challenges of complex façades
  6. Market and product trends
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Tags Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency; Flat GlassFlat Glass; InsulatingInsulating; Heat-Treated/TemperingHeat-Treated/Tempering; LaminatingLaminating; Contract GlazingContract Glazing; Fire-RatedFire-Rated; FabricationFabrication; Protective GlazingProtective Glazing; AcousticsAcoustics; Blast ResistanceBlast Resistance; Bullet ResistanceBullet Resistance; Building CodesBuilding Codes; CleaningCleaning; DaylightingDaylighting; Forced EntryForced Entry; Glass GuardsGlass Guards; High-PerformanceHigh-Performance; Hurricane/WindstormHurricane/Windstorm; InstallingInstalling; LEED ProjectsLEED Projects; PhotovoltaicsPhotovoltaics; Safety GlazingSafety Glazing; School SecuritySchool Security; VIGVIG

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