Design Considerations for use of Sealants/Adhesives with Coated Glass (FB41-14) - Downloadable Out of Stock
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When selecting sealants to be used with coated glass products
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There is a multitude of glazing material types used inside and outside of modern architectural buildings today. One type that has seen its popularity grow steadily within the last few years is the coated glass family. Coated glass can be grouped into different chemistry formulations and manufacturing methods; serving either functional and/or aesthetic purposes and used both in interior and exterior applications. The following should be considered when selecting and specifying sealants and adhesives to be used with coated glass products This document was originally published in August 2014 and republished in August 2019. All purchases will be electronically accessed or delivered.
Tags Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency; DecorativeDecorative; MirrorMirror; FabricationFabrication; SealantsSealants
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