Coastal Glazing and the Turtle Codes (FB36-24) - Downloadable

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State and local regulations regarding coastal glazing

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The Florida coastal built environment and other coastal states can offer breathtaking views both from the inside of buildings and from the water. The large expanses of glazing that are used in modern buildings tend to open the built environment, in an attempt to seamlessly connect it with nature. The transmittance of light from buildings onto the shoreline requires special consideration when designing and constructing along the coast as not all indigenous species, including marine turtles, fare well with bright lights.
The Technical Services Division of the National Glass Association (NGA) has produced this Glass Technical Paper solely for informational purposes. This Paper was developed by dedicated member volunteers and subject matter experts. The original version of this document was published in 2012. This version of the document was updated and published in September 2024. All purchases will be electronically accessed or delivered.

Tags Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency; InsulatingInsulating; Protective GlazingProtective Glazing; Building CodesBuilding Codes; DaylightingDaylighting; Hurricane/WindstormHurricane/Windstorm

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