Commercial Fenestration Systems Manual - Downloadable

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An entry-level primer into what makes curtain walls functional, cost-effective, and efficient.

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Product Details

The Commercial Fenestration Systems Manual is meant to offer those new to either the architectural, glazing or construction industries an entry-level primer into what makes curtain walls functional, cost-effective, and efficient in terms of their design, fabrication, installation, and long-term performance over the life of the building where they are used.


This manual covers systems descriptions, design parameters, pre-construction and onsite testing (to ensure expected performance), how manufacturers use shop drawings to convey the design intent of the architect, and how systems are installed onsite. Latter sections cover applicable industry standards, the most common building codes, and other glazing industry standards.


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Tags Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency; Flat GlassFlat Glass; InsulatingInsulating; Heat-Treated/TemperingHeat-Treated/Tempering; LaminatingLaminating; DecorativeDecorative; Contract GlazingContract Glazing; Fire-RatedFire-Rated; FabricationFabrication; Building CodesBuilding Codes; Hurricane/WindstormHurricane/Windstorm; InstallingInstalling; Safety GlazingSafety Glazing; SealantsSealants; Spandrel GlassSpandrel Glass

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