Building Envelope Commissioning (FB51-17) - Downloadable Out of Stock
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To acquaint those associated with the glazing industry with the impact BECx can and will have.
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The purpose of this Paper is to acquaint those associated with the glazing industry with the impact Building Envelope Commissioning ("BECx") can and will have as commissioning is implemented in construction projects. BECx is a process intended to verify through standards and testing that the materials, components, and systems that make up the building envelope achieve the objectives and meet the performance requirements of the owner. The Technical Services Division of the National Glass Association (NGA) has produced this Glass Technical Paper solely for informational purposes.
This Paper was developed by dedicated member volunteers and subject matter experts. This version of the document was updated and published in February 2022. All purchases will be electronically accessed or delivered.
Tags Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency; Contract GlazingContract Glazing; AcousticsAcoustics; InstallingInstalling
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