Bob Maltby's Glass Book - Downloadable Out of Stock
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A personal report about the physics of glass based on 50+ years of experience
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Product Details
Bob Maltby's Glass Book is a project 50 years in the making. This book is a personal report about the physics of glass that Bob has learned from his co-workers in the past 53 years. The subject matter is covered in more detail when that subject is where I have had more experience. I have been fortunate enough to have worked in many glass plants, those that made glass by the sheet, plate, and float methods, and in fabricating plants making automotive and architectural products.
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Tags Flat GlassFlat Glass; InsulatingInsulating; Heat-Treated/TemperingHeat-Treated/Tempering; LaminatingLaminating; DecorativeDecorative; Contract GlazingContract Glazing; MirrorMirror; Fire-RatedFire-Rated; FabricationFabrication; Protective GlazingProtective Glazing; InstallingInstalling
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