Blast Resistant Glazing (FB12-07) - Downloadable

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This document focuses on the glazing infill, namely laminated glass and organic-coated glass

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Blast resistant glazing is typically used to reduce injury from flying glass debris resulting from blast shock waves (over-pressures). When properly designed, framed, and anchored, blast resistant glazing is also capable of maintaining the integrity of the building envelope following an explosion which in turn reduces injury to building occupants and minimizes the surrounding debris field.

The Technical Services Division of the National Glass Association (NGA) has produced this Glass Technical Paper solely for informational purposes. This Paper was developed by dedicated member volunteers and subject matter experts. The original version of this document was approved and published in 2007. This version of the document was updated and published in April 2023.

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Tags Laminating; Fabrication; Protective Glazing; Blast Resistance; Forced Entry; School Security

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